Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The First Goal of Teaching

There are many reasons why one might begin training in martial arts. It is important for us to be aware of the different reasons why people may train as well the specific reasons why people do train.

Here are some different reasons an Adult may consider training in Martial Arts:

  1.      Fitness
  2.      Self-Defense
  3.      To be a part of a Team or group
  4.      Competition
  5.      To be social
  6.      They enjoy the discipline of Martial Arts  

Some of the reasons children may join for are the same but there are some different ones as well. Kids usually join because:

  1.      They think it is cool
  2.      They think it is fun
  3.      Because their friends do it
  4.      Bruce Lee  
  5.      Some like to compete
  6.      Their parents want them to be more confident , disciplined, focused…
  7.      Their parents want them to know self-defense
  8.      Their parents want them to get some exercise

So as you can see there are many reason why someone may consider joining martial arts. In the end it is important for us to understand our students and try to get an idea of why they train specifically. This is how we help our students reach their goals and is an important goal of teaching. This is a topic we will talk about more in a later blog. In this blog I want to emphasize what the most important goal of teaching is. Whatever a persons reason may be for joining it is most important to remember that they have to ENJOY it. If the students don’t enjoy it, they won’t return. It is our job to make sure they enjoy it. For the students to truly enjoy the class, they first have to enjoy us. Youth and adult alike. We are the ones that make it enjoyable or un-enjoyable for the students. It is in our hands. This is more important than any other reason for joining. Sure I can make sure that the students are getting  good instruction,  learning self-defense and getting a good workout but are they enjoying it? That is what matters most. Their goals and purposes will change and we have to try and keep up with what people want to get out of it and help them along the way but they must enjoy the classes more than anything. This is really how we can serve them best. Get them out of the normal day to day work and life routine and provide a place, an art and people they can enjoy. This will help them reach their other goals faster.  

So how can we make sure that the students are enjoying it? Here are 5 quick ways to ensure your student are enjoying their experience in your class.

  1.      Greet them when they walk in. Everyone likes to be greeted and feel welcome.
  2.      Speak with them in an encouraging way. People need to be encouraged. Simple words like “Good job Joe” can go a long way. We have to be carefull not to turn people off by speaking in a way that shuts them down and discourages them.
  3.      Try to be energetic in your teaching. Speak loudly, clearly and with enthusiasm. Let them know by how you teach that this stuff is cool and fun!
  4.      Make it FUN and EXCITING! Think about whether or not you would be having fun if you were taking the class.
  5.      Plan your classes. Having a plan makes it easier to make it fun and exciting. It also helps you to enjoy teaching. If you make teaching fun and exciting for you, than the students are probably having fun too.

So next time you teach a class ask yourself, "Did I enjoy this today?". Chances are if you did so did they!